God Is Love
He also is judge
Jesus said The sign…singular that would precede his return is the proclaiming of the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the earth and then the end will come. The gospel is not having your sins forgiven so you can go to heaven. It is that Jesus is going to take over the government of the human race here on earth. We are not going to heaven. The Bible is very clear. The new Jerusalem is returning to earth and this earth will be our home. The only way to believe is to first repent. Without repentance you will continue a life of sin which despite what preachers say these days that will send you to hell. The only way to be born again is to first repent, then believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be baptized. I have included teachings from the Man of God below Derek Prince. The most humble servant of the Lord Jesus Christ I have ever listened to.
Jesus warning for the last days is to not be deceived. Watch out for the flashy, loud speaking, emotional preaching. Repentance is a decision of the will. Not an emotion. The way to be saved and remain saved is to choose the Fear of The Lord. This means take this decision very seriously and not flippantly. There’s only one way to be found faithful and that is by his mercy.
Pride is the first sin recorded in the universe and the one sin Satan will never make you feel guilty about. Remain humble and child like and never presume. Pray the Lord’s prayer everyday. Jesus never taught anyone to preach but he did teach us how to pray.
Our Father who is in Heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from the evil one, For thine is the Kingdom, & The Power & The Glory Forever, and Ever Amen.
His Kingdom is coming to earth and he wants you to come to the saving knowledge of his son Jesus paying the price for all our sins, but again it has to be taken seriously. You can’t live a life of sin and ask for forgiveness everyday. That is a lie from the pit of hell. Make a decision, be serious and humbly ask for grace and mercy to live it everyday and bring Glory to him.
All have sinned and falling short of the Glory of God. This is the essence of sin. Not bringing him glory.